General Information

The general information contains the first two steps of learner engagement: the title and the short description. Because of this, it is often easier to complete after writing the lesson.

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Lesson Title

You developed a lesson on three-digit multiplication around purchasing supplies for a dog shelter.

  • Which title below will grab attention and bring learners to the lesson?

Three-Digit Multiplication

Three-Digit Multiplication Goes to the Dogs!

The lesson title must reflect the topic and grab attention while remaining brief and direct. It must adhere to the Title Case section of the Style Guide.

Short Description

At only 200 characters or less, the lesson description must be engaging, relevant, and fun. It cannot be boilerplate or tedious.

If the activity or project included in the lesson is exciting or unique, it may be mentioned in the short description.

These examples from the live site illustrate how the title, main image, and short description work together at the top of every lesson to draw interest.


Suggested Series Name

If the work order is part of a series, the Part of Series will be completed. (See Resources.)

In addition to a title and short description, suggest a name for the series of lessons.