Got It?

Lesson Structure

Elephango lessons are structured using a three-part pattern: Get It!, Got It?, and Go! This pattern allows lesson narratives to develop as needed while maintaining a consistent experience for students (and the adults supporting them).

The learner must be central to all decision-making. Devices and strategies — such as realistic and relevant scenarios, elements of storytelling, and learning experiences that aid in the transfer of understanding to other situations — are required.

Got It?

The Got It? section reviews and practices the concepts taught in the Get It! section. Include questions and activities that reinforce learning, support recall, and begin a practical application of the information.

Utilize a variety of ways to guide the student in practicing the material. You must supply correct answers when required.

Follow these guidelines.

DO ask students to reflect on what they know and have learned.
DO focus on activities and questioning that entice digging deeper or begin applying to real-world situations.
DO provide answers or suggested responses.
DO provide an opportunity to further study concepts not properly understood.
X Do NOT instruct the learner to work with a teacher or parent.

End the Got It? section with a clear and exciting transition to the Go! section.

  • Keep going in the Go! section and create a mini roller coaster!
  • Go on to the Go! section to interview a family member about your ancestors!

IMPORTANT: We suggest you develop your lesson directly in the Developer Center or utilize our free HTML Source Editor. If you develop your lesson somewhere else — such as Word or Google — you cannot copy and paste it into the Developer Center. The hidden HTML codes will crash the system and delete your lesson. If you prefer to develop this way, copy your content without formatting before pasting it.