Elephango Lesson Elements

General Requirements

Edovate Learning designs learning around five key tenets.

  1. Learning should be customized to meet each student’s academic needs and learning preferences and what motivates and excites them.
  1. Learning should be relevant. When students can connect learning to life, it increases both understanding and retention.
  1. Learning should point students toward their incredible design and purpose.
  1. Learning should give students the tools to see learning opportunities and empower them to take ownership of that learning.
  1. Learning should require students to think critically to gain the skills necessary to succeed at anything they choose to pursue.

Lesson Structure

Elephango lessons are structured using a three-part pattern: Get It! Got It? Go! This pattern allows lesson narratives to develop as needed while maintaining a consistent experience for students (and the adults supporting them).

In all Elephango lessons, the student should be responsible for all decision-making. Devices and strategies like realistic and relevant scenarios, elements of storytelling, and learning experiences that aid in the transfer of understanding to other situations are required. Students should find the Elephango approach to learning different from what they might find in online supplemental content and traditionally scoped-and-sequenced learning materials.

The PRADA Formula for Elephango Lesson Development

Aligned to learning and personality style (See Filter Information.)

Each Elephango lesson is crafted around a specific research-based learning structure that leverages the neuroscience of learning.

Elephango sparks curiosity with a scenario, challenge, deep question, or activity that forces students to ask, “why?”

Elephango builds understanding through questioning, student engagement, and sometimes peer interaction.

Elephango creates certainty and confidence (and, therefore, readiness to learn) by following a specific structure for each lesson.

Elephango leverages the power of the unexpected by adding surprising information, humor, problems to solve, or multimedia presentations.

Elephango deliberately offers assessment options to give each learner choice and the freedom to contribute to their learning.

Student Roles – Producers and Consumers

Get It! which includes the Hook

Student Role = Consumer of Content

Got It?

Student Role = Mix of Producer and Consumer


Student Role = Producer of Content