You will receive an introductory email with the following information.
Project Overview and Objectives: a detailed description of the project. ots goals, and the expected outcomes
Curriculum Outline: topics, learning objectives, and standards alignment
Writing Guidelines and Templates: style guide and templates for lesson plans
Timeline and Deadlines: detailed project timeline for deliverables
Communication Channels: contact information, check-in meeting if necessary, and feedback process
Training and Support Resources: access to training sessions, curriculum specifics, and example lessons
You will have five business days to complete your first draft.
You will receive feedback within two business days.
Any necessary revisions must be made within two business days.
Depending on the work contracted, you will be provided access to several of the following sites.
Elephango Developer Center (ELE)
Knowledge Base (KB)
WordPress H5P (H5P)
Edovate SIS (SIS)
Your unique username will follow the same format for each site.
- lowercase first name initial
- full last name with a capital first letter
- underscore
- site abbreviation
Example: jSmith_ELE
Your unique password will follow the same format for each site.
- lowercase first name initial
- uppercase last name initial
- your five-digit zip code
- the @ sign
- site abbreviation
Example: jS90210@ELE
NOTE: Your Edovate SIS password is an exception because technology is never easy. Omit the @ sign.
If you have been hired as an editor, you will be provided with access to Adobe Stock.
You will also need to create a free account with the following sites.
ClickUp (You will receive an invite email from Edovate.)
Bill (You will receive an invite email from Edovate.)